
What's my age again?

It's been an interesting day.  It started by being awakened by a phone call from my dad to accuse me - jokingly - of withholding information.  Then I got to deal with water dripping in the walls.  Not my fault, but I still had to deal with it and clean up the mess.  Then there was Ice Age, which was not a cinematic marvel but was entertaining enough.  Then home, where I checked my mail and found that I had received a massive box.  Except I spent the next 2 hours fielding phone calls from my entire family - most of them more than once - so I couldn't open it right away, as much as I wanted to.  I knew exactly what it was.  Finally, I got it unboxed and unwrapped.  It was an absolutely beautiful new guitar.  It's possibly one of the nicest things someone has bought for me.  I'm not sure I deserve it, or that I was worth the money, but it means a hell of a lot to me.  So I taught myself 9 chords, fiddled with a few songs, and stopped when my fingers felt swollen...stupid calluses being gone due to my crazy couple of months.  Then I watched TV, ate dinner, and relaxed.  It was a good day.

The evening was not nearly as pleasant.  I was suddenly faced with two friends in less-than-appealing moods, making it very hard to converse, and one existential crisis possibly brought on by alcohol (the jury is still out on the exact cause).  I went from content and happy to on edge, exhausted, and flustered.  I reached a point with one of them that I had to say "I cannot deal with you right now".  The other two became non-conversive.  So now I'm feeling annoyed and tired and isolated.  Fan-fucking-tastic.  I couldn't sit alone with my thoughts.  Nida and IHOP to the rescue.  I got to vent, we got to laugh, and yay for coffee.  So now I'm back alone in my apartment, but in a slightly better mindset.  And while I think it's cliché to make life resolutions, I'm kind of feeling it right now.  So here goes:
24 hopes for my new start.  One per year...or until I run out.
1. Get a regular gym routine established again.  I miss it.
2. Find a job I am good at and I care about.  Sadly, I feel like this might exclude a lot of things.
3. Become even more financially independent, including:
4. Find a way to take care of at least my smallest loan.
5. Learn to be at least a passable guitar player.
6. Make new friends, but keep those I've gained in KC a part of my life.
7. Never let my calluses entirely disappear again.  Jesus my fingers are sore.
8. Find someone in Milwaukee who will go with me to see the random indie/foreign/arthouse movies I love so much, so I don't have to go alone.
9. Have someone who would appreciate the plans I have for the Best Birthday Ever, and plan it for them.  The outline already exists...just need a person to do it for.
10. Have a reason to turn my claddagh around, even if just for a little while.
11. Find some way to stay connected to my hockey roots.
12. Travel somewhere, hopefully not alone.
13. Maintain, if not further, my passion for my field and for helping people.
14. Make the most out of my first (again) year of grad school, including:
15. Learn as much as I can, and not just for the test.
16. Have someone willing to travel to see me - even if it's not that far.
17. Get the boys to come stay with me for a little bit.
18. Spend more time outside.
19. Read more than I have this past year.
20. Find a couple cute non-chain restaurants to frequent.
21. Keep more fruits and veggies around (though honestly I'm not sure if 'more' is possible...maybe just a better variety).
22. Finally learn how to cook for just 1 rather than for 4-5.  Making progress, but not there yet.
23. Become better at verbalizing when I've had enough and can't take anymore.
24. Become at least literate in a new language (probably French, because I've already started).

Woo! I did it.  Now...just have to follow through.

A presto.

15.7.12  2:27am

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